Alvin Cobb (seelig)-1865 post

This war began in 1861, 4 years past
Now in 1865, more has come than I ever could have asked

Through Bull run, antietam, gettysburg, Sherman's march, and so much more
The finish has finally come for this dreadful long war

I led a regiment, fought hard, and finished on a high
I went beyond, I pushed myself and I dared to defy

I am not perfect and yes I am somewhat flawed
This victory belongs not to me, but to my brothers and to God

And after all this time
The bells of freedom have begun to ring and chime

For it was my brothers and my people that I set out to defend
And with my work, this war  will now end

I am ever grateful to my regiment and my crew
Now i will return to Amy and Father Alred too


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