Apple Cinnamon Bread

Dear Diary,
I have been shoved down to my limit, and I fear that I will crumble from the heaviness that follows from the war. The sting of defeat weighs both me and my regiment down. How am I to lift their spirits, when mine still lingers down? Though many months have passed since Bull Run, the war has not turned out a favor for us. I long for Amy and Father Alfred, yet I find that I miss most incredible apple cinnamon bread. It shocks me that God has chosen this for me. I find myself to be curious as I find little understanding of why my soul is so indefinitely pulled toward this festive treat. Could be because of the hardtack that I force to drag down my throat each night? The hard and clammy result of the combination of flour and water heated together only show our feeling of despair. Just thinking about my apple bread, makes me long for the sweet, tart taste in my mouth. I grow lonely thinking of how I used to go with Amy to pick apples. Beautiful red apples. I used to. I used to chop them apples and combine it with butter sugar cinnamon vanilla flour and baking powder. I can remember the comforting warmth of the bread, how it relieved me and Amy of the grief of losing our parents. My mind feels clear as I now grasp why God chose this path for me, for God new that apple bread would bring all aspects of my life together. I remember giving it out to the homeless, seeing their smiles light up the sky. Apple bread represents who I am, and who I must continue to be. This reminds me of what I joined the union to fight for. This reminds me that our fight today is our brother's freedom tomorrow.
I pray to the Lord,
Alvin Cobb
March 21, 1862


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