Dear Father Alfred (Blog Post 1)

Dear Father Alfred
Difficult times lay ahead of me. Though I miss Philidelphia, I remain a follower of the mission confided to me by God to the lead the fight to free our brothers from captivity. I know that God chose me as the First sergeant for a reason. These times I stick close to the holy one and I shan't stray from the path my God has given me. God is my shepherd. In times of pain, I shall bow down to Jesus. But Father Alfred, even I find struggle and pain in this important service. Mother and father's departure to the heavens has brought about the loneliness that is hurting me and Amy. Oh, my dear sister, Amy. For I fear she has been struck by the devil. Her heart is closed off to me. I grow more concerned each day about her inability to reckon with the lord. She says she doesn't know how slaves can be working any harder than she does at the clothing factory and dares to speak about how I should abandon my quest to free our brothers from bondage. She begs that we go west together. How am I to go west when the devil appearing as slavery will hunt us down wherever we may dwell? I beg of you to help her find God. Where would Amy and I be without your guidance? Would we ever have been blessed with Catholicism? As my priest and chaplain, you have always been there in our hour of need. 
I have faith that I will see you again, and that when I see you, we will both be seen as men.
I pray to god,
Alvin Cobb
