For my Dearest Kathryn

 Deer, Kathryn 

For i'm longin for your beuteful voice and kisses, i mus keep goin and keep fightin for are home and for are freedom and for are brothers. how are you, is everithin ok back home? im fine, my flower. however, i will admit that im worried for what will happen to us after we break slavery. am i doing the write thing? im sure i am, but why is the south angry at us? nevermind about mie thoughts, i wan to explin what has happened so far in this messy war. 

Dead Confederate Soldiers Left... is listed (or ranked) 3 on the list 23 Astounding Civil War Battlefield Photos Sep. 17, 1862 their was an attack bye the confederitte in Merrylendd. they take over the state for not joynin them, at lest is what i undeerstend. Many died, bout 12,400 of us were wounded, killed or injered  (union) and it was terribel as it sounds, but 1 thing i have noticed was that there were men holding these odd devices ive only seen twice before in battles. These men were in a way distracktin me from the batttle with their larg , loud and bright flashes of lights. I believe they are called  "cameras" and these men were "picturing" the place. Why would anyone want to focus deeply on the dead bodies and take so called "pictures"? 
Neearr the end of the the attak, i safely fled with my fellow soldiers and fiters. I however almost got captured by the south. Im alright thouhg, deer. Lateli i hav been practicin on my engleesh when i can. I will get better thouhg, i will write just as good as our fonding fathers. I've also been studiing a bit of littature.

It's diffcult  out here as a prifate, but i will do anything  to come back hom to hold you clos and too meet our soon born daughter.

Sincirley, yours truly, your husband,

(Private) Ellis Wilson 


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