He Got Fired

 Deer Kathryn,

It haas ben a vary long day, but i still right for you and papa. How are you? I am doing fine, doing better on my english. as the other soldiers say, practice makes perfect. Dis day specticuler made our troops wonder and worry: are things gonna bee ok? Wee all are lost in thouhght becuse General McClellan just got fired and got his place as commander taken away by our president. I meen, he was a good leader, but i suppose he took his inseecrerities too far, hes what other men would call a "coward" when he got fired. For he deed not send backup and more soldiers during da battle of da Antietam when we were in neede of more backup. he did not wanna "risk" but this is a war for sake. 

At de end, we claimed victory. But this is not the end 

hope yoy arre doin well and happy

Ill come home soon

(Private) Ellis Wilson


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