I’ll free you, Papa

Deer Papa

ive missed your jokes, papa, i’ve missed talkin too you and I know things for you haff always been rouff. Your stil a slave, and I hate that. You deserve to be freed and to enjoy your life, but once we win the civil war...you will bee free and live happily with me and Kathryn.  .Things over hear were getttting nice and smoth, until last weak. Last week, General Lee wented Moore soldiers and trooops that might attakk and tak over are capitell, which meant I hat too guard the Washintoon eveen mooree with other shoulders like me. 

Its gettin hard, and scary out hear, I wish to see you soon...but I must fight this war to free you and two free all of my brothers.

Your beelovid son,
(Private) Ellis Wilson


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