To my dear family

My dear Johnson,
Stay at home I'd not want you to get cought in thus horrible war, although we may be young I still beleve that I will help my family that are in the hands of the devil himself, that are cought being. My wonderful parents we are not the only  abolitionist that are trying to free theyr relatives. I honestly think that the whites are fitting this was to free the slaves , I hope this is real becaus so don't like how things are going right now,in April 19 1861 the Confederates just won the first major major pitch, this just proves that it's going to take time and it's going to be a difficult war . My dear family I want all of y'all to live like you normally do a normal hair-dresser and barber living their best life's, but being proud that one of their own is fighting for their future rthat dosent have a well education like others, but knows well whats right and wrong in this world.

                                                  To my love, Johnson
                                       From (Private) Melvin Thomas


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