1865 post- Edward Dunn

Dear Mildred,
The war is almost over. We are closing in. Rarely have the Confederates ever been on the offensive. I am joyful and hopeful, Mildred, for I know that Uncle and the others are close. Currently, I am deep down in South Carolina, yes, that is how far we have pushed them back. This conflict will not prolong. After a decisive thrashing of the rebels at Saylor's Creek, we have taken 6000 and 8 generals. Lee managed to escape with a small amount of men, maybe 30000. Our armies in total are 125 thousand strong. My division is pushing strongly into Lee's right flank, which is weakening. I hear white folk talking about taking it easy now. The war is almost over, but I will still fight my hardest until I fall by the last bullet of war. Please understand that I will do anything for uncle and the others. Meanwhile, I would like to thank Lincoln, what a great man he is! Why the rebels not given up yet, I do not know. Emancipation is at our fingertips.

We all live to see that day. Bless God.                                                    Sgt. Dunn

Sergeant Edward Dunn, 15th New Jersey Infantry, (Dec 7, 1838 - Dec 8, 1919)

Sgt Edward T Dunn


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