1865 post- Edward Dunn
Dear Mildred,
We all live to see that day. Bless God. Sgt. Dunn
The war is almost over. We are closing in. Rarely have the Confederates ever been on the offensive. I am joyful and hopeful, Mildred, for I know that Uncle and the others are close. Currently, I am deep down in South Carolina, yes, that is how far we have pushed them back. This conflict will not prolong. After a decisive thrashing of the rebels at Saylor's Creek, we have taken 6000 and 8 generals. Lee managed to escape with a small amount of men, maybe 30000. Our armies in total are 125 thousand strong. My division is pushing strongly into Lee's right flank, which is weakening. I hear white folk talking about taking it easy now. The war is almost over, but I will still fight my hardest until I fall by the last bullet of war. Please understand that I will do anything for uncle and the others. Meanwhile, I would like to thank Lincoln, what a great man he is! Why the rebels not given up yet, I do not know. Emancipation is at our fingertips.
We all live to see that day. Bless God. Sgt. Dunn
Sergeant Edward Dunn, 15th New Jersey Infantry, (Dec 7, 1838 - Dec 8, 1919)

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