The Greatest Fall of a City

Dear Kathryn my love,                                                                                                                  1864

I’ve just revived your letter a week awhile! Oh how my hert rejoices when I learned dat I have now a daughter! How is she? Oh I can not wait to meet my child. I promiss, I will come back, my love. How are you feelin? Headin well from labor? Bee sure to drink lots of water, Kathryn. I’m doin well, healthy enuff, gettin better on English and spellin.

But I as well have a rejoicin news about the war. Two weeks ago, that’s was when da Fall if Atlanta and Sherman’s march to the Sea took place! Slaves were free, a March took place, the North gained great victory. Some said it be too harsh or way two much but I think it’s what da south gets for startin all dis mess.

Now our brothers and sisters can bee free, and beesides. The south were da ones who first did da true harsh things to us, love. I no we both are a bit of worried of what will happen to us after da civil war ends or once we all break slavery. But one things four shure, I will make sure slavery truly ends, and I’ll make sure I’ll come back home safe to kiss ya and to forever love our new daughter.

(Private) Ellis Wilson


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